With a 1 degree increase in temperature above pre-industrial levels, climate change is already causing mayhem in different parts of the world. The term Loss and Damage (capitalised letters) refers to the political debate under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) following the establishment of the Warsaw Mechanism for Loss and Damage in 2013, which is to ‘address loss and damage associated with impacts of climate change, including extreme events and slow onset events, in developing countries that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change.’ Lowercase letters (losses and damages) have been taken to refer broadly to harm from (observed) impacts and (projected) risks and can be economic or noneconomic (IPCC, 2018). Poor and vulnerable countries and communities being the least responsible for climate change with the lowest carbon footprints are already facing the majority of its negative impacts, in the form of both extreme weather events like hurricanes, and floods and slow onset processes such as sea-level rise.
Home Publications policy brief Glasgow Dialogue needs to deliver on Loss and Damage Finance Facility
Addressing Climate-Induced Loss and Damage in South Coastal Bangladesh: Bridging Local Insights and National Policy Interventions
This policy brief captures the key findings from Loss and Damage Policy Labs (LDPLs), a se… -
Strengthening Loss and Damage Narrative: Building cohesive voices with policymakers and civil society in Bangladesh
Bangladesh has been striving for years to shift its narrative from being climate vulnerabi… -
The First Step in Operationalizing Loss and Damage Finance: Reflections on the Transitional Committee Process
As the 28th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 28) commences tomorrow, exp…
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Addressing Climate-Induced Loss and Damage in South Coastal Bangladesh: Bridging Local Insights and National Policy Interventions
This policy brief captures the key findings from Loss and Damage Policy Labs (LDPLs), a se… -
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Addressing Climate-Induced Loss and Damage in South Coastal Bangladesh: Bridging Local Insights and National Policy Interventions
This policy brief captures the key findings from Loss and Damage Policy Labs (LDPLs), a se… -
Inclusion of Loss and Damage as a Subgoal in the New Collective Quantified Goal (NCQG)
The policy brief demonstrates how incorporating Loss and Damage (L&D) into the New Col… -
Strengthening Loss and Damage Narrative: Building cohesive voices with policymakers and civil society in Bangladesh
Bangladesh has been striving for years to shift its narrative from being climate vulnerabi…
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Addressing Climate-Induced Loss and Damage in South Coastal Bangladesh: Bridging Local Insights and National Policy Interventions
This policy brief captures the key findings from Loss and Damage Policy Labs (LDPLs), a se…