Youth call for action to address loss and damage caused by climate change
The climate crisis is causing severe damage and irreversible loss to people and the planet. Extreme weather events, including floods, storms, droughts, heat waves and wildfires, are becoming more frequent and more severe every year. The stakes are high for today’s youth – the largest youth generation in history – and the ones who will bear the biggest burden of loss and damage.
This brief examines the meaning and impact of loss and damage through an intersectional, youth-centred, gender-equality lens. It presents an urgent call to action with four key recommendations leading up to the UN Climate Change Conference (COP27), November 6-18, 2022.
The lead author and researcher of this brief is Ineza Umuhoza Grace, an eco-feminist working for climate justice by amplifying youth voices and through policy research and advocacy with the Loss and Damage Youth Coalition.