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  1. UNFCCC Domain:

The UNFCCC Domain of the ICCCAD L&D Program focuses on supporting and mobilizing international climate action and solidarity, with respect to the Loss & Damage agenda. The UNFCCC sub team has been undertaking a number of tasks at hand to ensure:

  • Operationalization of the Santiago Network on Loss and Damage
  • Mobilization od Glasgow dialogue on finance for Loss and Damage
  • Support to Warsaw International Mechanism and WIM EXCOM
  • Support to COP Presidencies

Submissions under the UNFCCC Domain:

  • Research Domain

ICCCAD collaborates with various international and national organisations in endeavours to understand better how to address loss and damage. ICCCAD has formed a loss and damage research team with Prof Saleemul Huq (Director) and Dr. Simon Anderson (IIED) provide leadership and technical advise to the team. This team has consulted widely and reviewed knowledge gaps to develop a research portfolio that ICCCAD will pursue in the short to medium term. This portfolio includes the following work areas.    

  • FAQs on L&D (living doc)
  • L&D Infographics
  • Finance for L&D
  • National Scoping studies in LDCs
  • Framing of Loss and Damage
  • Non Economic Loss and Damage
  • Loss and Damage and Gender Inequality

Research Portfolio (upload)

Infographic (upload)

  • LDC Domain

The LDC programme on Loss & Damage (LPLD) is a recently initiated programmatic approach to carry out research and evidence gathering as well as capacity building on L&D in every LDC over time. The ultimate objective of the programme is to strengthen the capacity of the 46 LDCs to address L&D from climate change with a focus on the most vulnerable communities within countries. The programme consists of five levels. Depending on the availability of resources, each country will move from one level to the next over successive years. Clusters of LDCs will turn into communities of practice to share learning and accelerate progress.


  • Awareness raising: Support LUCCC partners to do national scoping study each
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • CB for each of the LDC governments
  • Design national mechanism
  • Drawing finance from national and international sources
  • Develop an LDC wide strategy LDC Chair
  • Incorporate information on L&D in their NDC

ICCCAD is a key organisation in Bangladesh which is involved in the process around the national L&D mechanism from its beginning and has a trusted network including all relevant actors, especially high-level government officials, on the national level. Thus ICCCAD has a key role for setting up a national level Multi Actor Partnership (MAP) around the L&D mechanism.

  • Stakeholder mapping and creating a baseline
  • Empowering local and national level CSOs
  • Workshops with key actors on the national level for implementation of the L&D mechanisms
  • Enhancing the capacity of government policy makers
  • Building capacity through peer to peer learning

Research and Capacity Building are the main suits for ICCCAD. Hence the expected results of the programme’s capacity-building activities are to foster an improved state of knowledge, capacity and technologies to understand, address and track impacts and enable approaches for highlighting loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change.

Activities of the workplan in relation to capacity-building entail:

  • Identify capacity gaps in addressing loss and damage and to recommend ways to address the gaps;
    Inviting relevant actors to organize regional stakeholder workshops to build capacity for the use of comprehensive risk management guidelines, including using feedback from test cases and any pilot projects they have identified;
    Developing training modules and providing tranings on loss and damage
  • CB for LDC governments
  • Pre COP Training workshop for negotiators
  • CB of in-house L&D Experts
  • Short course on L&D

Climate change is the defining crisis of our time and disaster displacement one of its most devastating consequences. Entire populations are already suffering the impacts, but vulnerable people living in some of the most fragile and conflict-affected countries are often disproportionately affected.

  • Support to WIM Taskforce on Displacement (TFD)
  • Collaborate with Humanitarian sector to improve the predictability of our engagement to anticipate and prepare for emergencies brought on by climate-related and other natural hazards
  • Engaging with legal practitioners to catalyse providing legal advice, guidance and support to the international community to develop enhanced protection for refugees and other people displaced in the context of disasters and climate change, and catalyzing international discussions on their rights.
  • Supporting projects to develop Climate Resilient Migrant Friendly Cities
  • Engaging with International Organization for Migration (IOM)
  • L&D FUNDS Domain

Vulnerable countries and communities are already experiencing severe losses and damages from unavoidable climate change impacts, and they urgently need finance to support their recovery, protect human rights and development gains, and prepare for future displacement and livelihood losses.

Efforts to mobilise finance for affected countries remain stalled, mainly due to disagreements over liability and compensation. Given the scale of global needs, a formal, dedicated loss and damage finance mechanism should remain the long-term goal. Following the pledges made in Glasgow, ICCCAD is striving to integrate all global, national and local efforts to:

  • Track of global funds, pledges and efforts to address L&D
  • Explore innovative financing mechanisms
  • Contributing to Glasgow Dialogue on L&D
  • Workshops on climate and L&D finance for key actors and negotiators

The media have a social responsibility to provide effective information services for climate change issues, particularly for contentious issues like loss and damage. The media and advocacy domain coordinates advocacy and policy work around loss & damage, carrying out outreach to key stakeholders and political influencers to raise awareness of the importance of loss and damage, scaling up finance for addressing loss and damage and ensuring it gets to the vulnerable people, communities and countries who need it most.

  • Contributing to Global events, like UNFCCC mandated events, Global Gobeshona Conference etc
  • Setting up National and Local advocacy events
  • Climate Tribune Special Issue on Loss & Damage
  • Publicise global events to increase awareness